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Explore Bandung: Tangkuban Perahu #2

Hey, who dont know Legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu?
The legend of Sangkuriang tells the story of a young man who falls in love with his own mother, which is somewhat comparable to the Greek tragedy Oedipus. Dayang Sumbi then set an impossible condition that Sangkuriang has to fulfill in order to marry her: he should build her a big boat and a lake by damming Citarum river, all within one night, and it shall be finished by dawn.
Sangkuriang was also deceived. He thought his endeavor has failed. Angrily, he kicked the boat so that it toppled over. This boat became Tangkuban Parahu mountain.


Officially the mount looks like a boat. and it is easily to see the crater..  the sulfur atmospher smell strong actually, but it will be good for pimple and acne haha :p
The view is so good, and when u come after rain, it will full of fog. totally awesome.
The horse rented for 35k for riding and only 5k if u just took it for photo haha...

Riding the live!

 Even, the enterence ticket fee is quite expensive per person is 35k and car for 35k. it is cheaper for foreign tourist which get the cost for 300 K idr. 
Therefore, every single meter is dangerously beautiful, through consist to keep the existence of local history.

We born in odd and die through odd

 So guys, lets enrich our knowledge about local wisdom by see it by your own.

kind of property haha
 Mata hari


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