Life must go on. Hidup harus terus berjalan.. I’d like to explain according to my opinion.
Semua harus bejalan layaknya air di siklus hidrologi, non stoptanpa henti seperti interaksi alam semesta yang mempertahankan keseimbangannya dan tanpa istirahat mencontoh elektron dalam lintasan.
Tidak akan bisa dipungkiri.. seluruh yang ada mustahil untuk berdiam, semua pasti dinamis, bergerak entah kedepan atau mundur kebelakang. Gwe, elo,dia,mereka siapapun pasti ga akan mengelak bahwa hidup mengharapkan perubahan yang lebih baik. A wise man is a person who can make his self better than before. It’s true, isn’t it?
But sometimes we haven’t ready to accept this change , remember that different situation must received by different process. Allow me to bring an Indonesian proverb “dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung” it means that: places, situation, times in short the difference environment has a analogous way to got a grip of it. What’s the meaning of grip from the sentence before? according to our ambition a Better change.
The process as surroundings comprehended time . and the person who able teach with the best patience is our self. By see, hear and appreciate the other..
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