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First Meet Up #ASVI 2014

A long noon, Because it was my first alone  flight. Haha..  Carried up by kontrakan mate, diyah and apri to adisucipto international air port. As usual, just like when I come back to bekasi. No party, no special session for my long range journey. So different for what Fiqih did (my Friend from Palu told me then) she accompanied by more then 5 person to the airport…
It must  because of my unbelievable feeling. And my blench. Bent on: No more sorrow. (lebay hahah) FYI, I ever got a strike damp over when I couldn’t go abroad to an international competition in Manila just an hour (imagine it! an hour before) I bought the ticket… actually the case was my partner had been waiting for me at the vendor, she had bring our money and we had pay the fee to the committee a night before.
In short, I didn’t want every body know about my trip. I didn’t know , did  god permit me for this vacation?
Even my close friend in kontrkan, Tia and Inong, my best majoring mate, niqla, ida, oca, puji. I didn’t tell them, I couldn’t.
Just go away in quite.
Oke, back to the topic.
 I was ready around an hour before departure -.- well, a hurry.. huft. As far as I left my mobile charger. theeeeeeeeeeeeen, the flight was delayed. What a pity. Anti-climax.
Met up a group of mommy in waiting room, that told their holiday  trip which left their son daughter and husbund for fun. They told me “seklai-kali refresehing lah ya, biarn aja anak-anak dirumah biar bapaknya yang ngurus” I laughed . hahahha. Hit my sorrow about the charger :p
So after arrival to jakardah. Line group notice that we meet up in Solaria Terminal 1 Soe-Ta. And I were in Third terminal. Bzzzz. As soon as possible looked for yellow car and  I picked my BIGGGGGGG luggage. Haaaaa. It felt that my  stuff heavier than me. In case the bis kuning is so teeny for the sum of people and each luggage they brought. Beside I used my red thick jacket, o my lord. Sweat of brow.
Finally… Went down at Terminal 1. But I didn’t find Solaria. Asked to the uniform woman and she told me. “Mba, solaria ada 2, di parkiran dan di 1 E.. kalo parkiran dket dari sini, yang 1 E lumayan, lebih baik mba naik bis lagi” , hurried I text my friend and aam Ambrella answered “ yang di 1 E sabilaaa” WOT, Choke to death :’) enaaaf plisssss. Hahaha. I didn’t strong enough to take my luggage away . I couldn’t :’’’’’’’
Don’t care. I chose to scratch that luggage than brought it up to the bus. Don’t care… my oily face describe to the people. That this red jacket women was in suffer….
I were walking
A step by step, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E … ( FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sujud syukur hahaha) 15 minutess guys. As long as an nab till muthafifin.
And this the first meet upppp.. I saw Amrina from Jambi, Ridho from Riau, Bang Rozi from Bengkulu, Ahmad from Pontianak…  and oh may god ikhsaaaaaaaaan. My mate when we were tested in Kemenpora a month ago . at least I got an old friend to chit chat.  an hour after that , Fiqi from palu came.  So we prepare, got some photos and went to the base camp. Mmm, masih kaku lah yaa….
The became was in Wisma Aparatur Negara Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Quite good lah J

Pre Departure Training..
:’) 3 days in our first meet up in Wisma Aparatur Negara Kemenkes Republik Indonesia, For sure,
 mmm before we went the base camp, we gone to Idian Embassy..By bus, beside me, Madam Fiqi … a smart girl from Palu. I didn’t understand why she took photos every millimeter we ride. Hahaha.. she told me that, it was her first time to Jakarta. And She thaough that Jakarta is crowded. Well, Fiqi, u have to go to Bekasi first! don’t jump to conclusion haha.
 “dokumentasi ini aku mau tunjukin ke adik-adik didikanku di Palu, supaya mereka tahunya ga hanya Palu saja” Fiqi said. Ah Fiqiiiiii… So Sweeet :’))) Then “BUku ini, jadi benda penting yang akan mencatat semua kegiatan aku di India” she hang up a yellow small notes whose she gripped.
Therefore, she told me about the selection she got in Palu. It seems She prepared all the things perfectly. And, The cultural performance that she brought was Indonesian food, omg :’) it is totally awesome , rait?
Okay, The scene when I fell in love whit this big hijab girl, Fiqih Apriliana ended.
Then arrival to embassy…


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