one day i was accompany mba aya went 2 her friend. oh ya FYI mba aya is ummi masbikhah's fourth daughter and her friend is ahmad, pak waziz's son, my lecterure. ahmad and mba aya are 4th grade in SDIT Baiturrahman
ummu ahmad answered our salam. then mba aya asked " amah, aku mau nanya PR liburan ke ahmad soalnya kemarin ga nyatet" ummu ahmad answered curiously "loh,PR yang mana mba Aya? ahmad belum bilang ke uminya nih kalo ada PR," she thaugh, "di buku apa mba PRnya?" . " dicatet dipapan tulis mah.." mba aya answered. than she went inside and took ahmad's bag, when she was looking for the Home work note on Ahmad's book thunderously, i asked mba aya "mba, ga nyatet?" "soalnya aku kemarin pulang cepet mah jadi ga di catet"
ahmad still watched television inside. and his mother asked "ahmad, PRnya dicatet dimana?" "ga ada PR miii..." "Loh ini katanya mba aya ada PR" "yang mana?" "dicatet di papan tulis""aku kemain buru-buru pulang ga nyatet mi." ya. Ahmad again, looked busy. keep on movie. oh god -_-
"aduh, mba aya, maaf ya ahmad ternyata ga nyatet juga... nant ummi tlp yng lain deh"
i answered "iya mi, afwan jiddan ya ganggu. jazakillah.. Assalamualaikum'
how different..
mother police. how bout us? hahaha.. alll the things will mess up when we just silent and waiting our mother over there asking bout lecture or remembering homework..
my god. we are not a 4'th grade elementry school students anymore huh?
the goal arranging alone, and the way chosen by our selves .not our mom, our best friend .. absolutely us.
nd here,
standing on our individual power driving,we do not spending much time 'planning' for this succes.
most of us, when we hear bout planning (strategic, operation, tactical) has a glazed aye look on our face.
let me tell u the translete bout them. because it can be rather simpel to manage our task. our 4 GPA (eaa, gue juga berproses ko)
why does planning look important? planning provide us identivying the objective and designing a sequence of and activities to achive these objective. at least we cand deciding what to do, when to do, how to do and I CAN DO THAT. at this context identifying a success college student for me is some one who has he best GPA, ahlul ibadah and alwayshelping others..
then, go on planning process..
we recognize the problem or opportunity out side our selves (ex: problem: compettion with our friends to become the best is extremely difficult, they have never ending fastabiqul khirat stamina..)
after define these little problem, specify premises and constraint we have over all mission, long range objective and strategy..
than gather information from every one, every where, every time to formulate/ develop alternative beside thaht still formulate value model. formulate value model, i find it on my beloved parents, because when we remember them , feeling so small than their kindness, helpfulness, and spirit :'(
than evaluate alternative, implement the best and follow up and review effectiveness..
by the way,
when we define a success college student is some one who bla.. bla.. bla.. we decide the guiding philosophy.. have core value and beliefs, mission for the reason why we stay for the existance, and vision as a finish line and specific time frame. it tstate the stage we plan a better us and course of action :')
nah, on operational plans we specific results the operational goals.
*a good GPA is 4
*Ahlul ibadah is can memorize the whole koran (30 juz), tilawah 2 jus per day.. tahajud every night..
*always helping others is active on organization
so we can accomplish our responsibilities. on going plans. make the policy, procedure and rule
study procedure: wudhu->tilawah one page->doa->starting study
Study Rule: Turn Off the HP, far away from friend..
(any way procedure and rule above buat gue loh, belum tentu cocok buat yang lagi baca)
and tactical is the play...
tactics are the spesific actions we take in implementing that "success collage student".. these actions compromise what is to be done, in what order using which tools and person ell. this concerned whit what the lower level units and shorter time frames (day per day, hours per hours)
write down on note:
pokoknya hari ini gue harus...
1. belajar Manajemen Teknik Industri sampe zuhur dan bahannya dari internet disesuaikn berdasarkan catatan
2. Belajar STI dari buku ulrich nyicil ab 10 sampe Ashar
3. murajaah ke amah mega ba'da maghrib As Shaff ba'da maghrib jadi tiap mau mule belajar ngulang as shaff sdikit..
4. Cari bahan SII di kampus lewat Web HMTI, jadi pas ujian harus bawa laptop maksimal 1 jam (ga boleh ngintip twitter sama face book)
after we do all that things, planning setting the goal, identifying strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, have a core visi, misi core values and reason why i still life, why i must do that, and what is my responsibility ti my parents for all the thing they give and having the answare how to be thanks full to god
we can proclaim that i'm not a 4'th grade elementry school students anymore
Keep in mind, that all the thing we planned carefully prepared, God is deciding..
always pray whit khauf and raja'
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